Inis Offshore Wind is passionate about sustainability. It's at the core of everything we do.

Inis Offshore Wind seeks to constantly deploy the latest technologies and solutions to bring our projects on stream and accelerate the energy transition. 

At Inis Offshore Wind we care for our people, our stakeholders and our environment.

Performance matters. We help each other deliver and exceed our goals.

Inis Offshore Wind builds positive, mutually beneficial relationships based on partnership, transparency, collaboration, and trust.

Wind energy projects for Ireland

Enabling a sustainable energy future for the people of Ireland

Inis Offshore Wind is an Irish renewable energy firm working to enable a sustainable energy future for the people of Ireland. Backed by the Temporis Aurora Fund, whose investors include the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF), our purpose is to harness Ireland’s vast offshore wind energy potential to accelerate and deliver Ireland’s transition to a clean, sustainable, low-carbon energy system.

Find out more


Harnessing Ireland’s unmatched offshore wind potential


Electricity to come from renewables by 2030 (National Development Plan 2021-2030)


Irish Government’s offshore wind installed capacity target by 2030 (Irish Government Climate Action Plan)


Potential growth in demand for electricity in Ireland by 2030 (Eirgrid All-Island Generation Capacity Statement 2020)


Number of homes that can be powered by 1GW of offshore wind electricity generation


Ireland’s floating offshore wind potential


Number of local development and construction jobs to be created in offshore wind to 2030

As part of the Climate Action Plan, the Irish Government has committed to ensuring 80% of Ireland’s electricity will come from renewable sources by 2030 and set an offshore wind development target of 5GW by the end of the decade. Our projects will make a significant contribution to this target. We want to harness Ireland’s vast offshore wind energy potential to enable Ireland’s transition to a Net Zero carbon economy while caring for our people, our stakeholders and our environment.

Explore projects


Inis Offshore Wind Leinster is preparing to investigate the feasibility of developing an Offshore Windfarm approx. 14km off the coast of Greystones, County Wicklow. To carry out the necessary survey work, a Foreshore Investigatory Licence Application and supporting documentation has been submitted to the Marine Planning and Foreshore Section of the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government. This licence, if granted, will last for 5 years.


Inis Offshore Wind is investigating the feasibility of developing Wicklow Offshore Wind Farm proposed to be located a minimum of 8km and up to 22km off the Wicklow coast. Work began in early 2020 in response to the Irish Government’s Climate Action Plan. Should the project successfully progress through various consenting and development challenges ahead, it is hoped that the capacity of up to 500MW can be brought into production by 2030.


Inis Offshore Wind Kinsale is preparing to investigate the feasibility of developing an Offshore Windfarm approx. 13km off the coast of Kinsale, County Cork. To carry out the necessary survey work, a Foreshore Investigatory Licence Application and supporting documentation has been submitted to the Marine Planning and Foreshore Section of the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government. This licence, if granted, will last for 5 years.


Inis Offshore Wind Kerry is preparing to investigate the feasibility of developing an Offshore Windfarm approx. 11km off the coast of Kerry at the mouth of the Shannon Estuary. To carry out the necessary survey work, a Foreshore Investigatory Licence Application and supporting documentation has been submitted to the Marine Planning and Foreshore Section of the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government. This licence, if granted, will be valid for 5 years.


Inis Offshore Wind Munster is preparing to investigate the feasibility of developing an Offshore Windfarm approx. 16km off the coast of County Clare. To carry out the necessary survey work, a Foreshore Investigatory Licence Application and supporting documentation has been submitted to the Marine Planning and Foreshore Section of the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government. This licence, if granted, will be valid for 5 years.


We are investigating the feasibility of developing Péarla Offshore Wind Farm proposed to be located a minimum of 40km off the Waterford / Wexford coast. Work began in late 2021 in response to the Irish Government’s Climate Action Plan. Should the project successfully progress through various consenting and development challenges ahead, it is hoped that the capacity of up to 1000MW can be brought into production by 2030.

Map of Inis Offshore Wind energy and renewable projects
Inis Offshore Wind is working for a renewable engery future in Ireland